RELIKT SW database application for mineral soils phases from geological units of the Czech Republic
in different stages of weathering



Project documentation

Mind map (WIKI)

Mind map

Entity Relationship Diagram of database (WIKI)

Entity Relationship Diagram of database

Report of database

PDF file


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  2. Dudek A., Fediuk F., Palivcová M.: Petrografické tabulky. Nakl. ČSAV Praha, 1962
  3. Gregerová M., Fojt B., Vávra V.: Mikroskopie horninotvorných a technických minerálů. Přírodovědecká fakulta MU, Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno, 2002
  4. Hejtman B., Konta J.: Horninotvorné minerály. Přírodovědecké vydavatelství Praha, 1953
  5. Deer W. A., Howie R. A., Zussman J.: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals. Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 2013.
  6. Dietrich R., Skinner B.: Rocks and Rock Minerals. Wiley, 1991.
project VI20172020050 - Development of Chosen Methods for Forensic Identification of Persons and Things III

The application is primarily intended for use within the Forensic Service of the Police of the Czech Republic, other government entities, project partners and partner forensic laboratories associated within the European network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI).

Ministerstvo vnitra,
Policie České republiky,
Kriminalistický ústav Praha,
p.schr. 62/KUP, Strojnická 27, 170 89 Praha 7
IČO: 00007064 DIČ: CZ00007064
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